Our customer’s SATIFACTION is always a MUST..
We master LOYALTY and deliver TRUST..
In PLS our strategy towards our customers is persistently communicated, measured and celebrated.
We dedicate ourselves to understand our customers’ point of view and work accordingly by providing
the best logistic solutions, ensuring speediness and efficiency, being responsive
and most importantly being humans.
We seize every single opportunity to build our brand awareness to stand
tall amidst all market troubles.
Compliance & Transperency
In recent years, the term “Corporate Governance” has spread all over the world and obviously Corporate Governance has remarkably grown and developed in a way that it has become fundamental for economic growth and development, while in many companies it
is also known as “Good Governance”. However, worldwide, it is currently been called “Corporate Governance”, yet still the term’s definition and translation witnesses divergent approaches.
This influential term has enormously earned a great attention, especially by the Government, Supervisory authorities, Economic and Financial Organizations as well as Corporate sectors, as it benefits the market’s performance,
the investors’ trust and the efficiency of the financial sector, either the banks or capital market by providing the necessary financing for projects.
Since Corporate Governance inevitably increases transparency and enhances companies’ avenues, PLS delivers the whole concept pursuant to the Egyptian Corporate Governance Code No. 84/2016, which is considered a comprehensive
and general framework of governance and its relevant issues. It encompasses a set of guiding rules of corporate governance, based on international and regional best practices, by providing guidelines for the application
of corporate governance in all kinds of companies in Egypt.
PLS always seeks going the extra mile by exploiting the utmost effort to always be the front-runner in this field. Therefore, we duly adopt Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) management strategy, by which it manages the
Company’s overall governance, enterprise risk management and compliance with regulations. We robustly believe a well-planned GRC strategy comes with lots of benefits, including improvement of decision-making, more optimal
IT investments, elimination of silos, whilst at the same time improves both performance and efficiency.
Operational Excellence
While many reckon achieving Operational Excellence is a wheel within a wheel,
our company has always believed that where there’s a will, there’s a way..
For sustainable success, we duly consider Operational Excellence as our Company’s core strength and we did start the journey to enact Operational Excellence framework, by combining the best management systems, globally
recognized technologies, Six Sigma methodology, Lean process, and a proven culture-change model for providing integrated solutions. As well as, embedding supply chain development and risk management by waning risk and maintaining
Meanwhile, one of the fundamental elements of operational excellence which enables PLS to Operate with logistics services-leading asset integrity and reliability, is to pursue control excellence via operating processes
and enabling unsurpassed levels of operational efficiency, which essentially equates to maximizing the throughput of the operation while simultaneously minimizing energy and material consumption.
Since Operational Excellence establishes a common language and approach that drives consistency in performance across the whole organization, we implement such consistency in performance, as we fiercely believe that if
the interaction between people, process and systems is properly set, success and sustainability will be a safe bet.
Digitalization & DS
PLS pursue to be a role model for the future of modernized Egypt and become a leading regional oil and gas hub through efficient transformation from legacy to digitalized systems. To fulfill our mission that is centered around the values our customers
expect, we aim to integrate digital technologies into all aspects of our business to meet the continuous changes in the market. PLS is targeting to update its systems, processes and culture to achieve digital transformation
successfully. Such sustainable development that allows us to collect and analyze data, forms a DSS (Decision Support System) that empowers our decision makers to enhance customers experience. We are very lucky to have young,
innovative and adaptable minds in our company to achieve the benchmarks that we have set for ourselves.
Intellectual Capital
Organizational Design has lately become the center of attention and still has attracting more and more attention among great thinkers, consultants and managers for its vital role in helping organizations attaining their goals successfully. Whereas all
companies work hard to achieve certain goals, we fiercely forge ahead in a determined effort to shape our Organization, by dividing our employees into distinctive tasks, whilst coordination and integration are being successfully
achieved among those tasks.
PLS holistically relies on Organizational Design for achieving its goals, as well as adopting the integration management to ensure the full alignment between all the departments in our organization, which undoubtedly brings
forth the need for multitask teams, incentive schemes and the measures to be taken to encourage the collaboration and the systems of integration of teamwork spirit.
In that regard, we invest all of our efforts to implement the latest scientific systems for achieving our Company’s objectives via proper and smooth management process, allowing us to obtain the optimum benefits gained
from our human resources of all categories, for being the core of our organization’s sustainable success.
In PLS, we pursue such strategy by helping our human resources explore their potential and talents. Thus, performing job evaluation aiming at evaluating the workers actually performing the jobs to suitably reward them
on the basis of their merit via the Merit Management system, by guaranteeing a number of traits that are measured to know our employee’s worth because personnel is the most important asset for PLS, for providing us with
the competitive edge we seek out in the global and local markets.
In that respect, we ensure a proper link between the company’s vision, mission and strategy with each department’s objectives along with related employees’ roles and responsibilities to doubtlessly support aligning the
individual’s performance with the overall organization’s performance.
In PLS, we don’t focus only on profits and remarkable outcomes
BUT we do focus on HOW to achieve such remarkable outcomes first..
In our organization, we thrive to convey the concept of self-awareness amongst all our employees, because mastering such skill helps each and every employee to become an effective leader. Our self-aware leaders know well
the prominent value of continuous learning and growth by not pretending to know it all, yet by taking the responsibility for what they do not know.
We also guarantee their perception to learning organization approach, for the vital role of self-awareness within the learning organization. Our organization is self-aware, thus, always open to learning and capable of
adapting moment-to-moment to the marketplace changes and that is one of the most compulsory reasons why PLS enacts a learning organization approach in its goals.
PERFECTION is being our
whilst forever holding our employees in
Both self-awareness and learning organizations can immensely affect employees’ attitudes and behaviors like, stress levels, job satisfaction, motivation and organizational commitment. Accordingly, PLS endeavors its
employee’s full satisfaction. The more satisfied our employees are, the more they take pains to attain sustainable development. Obviously, organizational design, self-awareness and learning organization have the power to
cause positive and negative consequences for both organizations and individuals and that is why such approaches are duly woven into our Organization. We never fail to set our sights on our employees’ self-improvement, because
we believe that their own improvement means our Company’s improvement.